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Wrapping up FOSS Backstage 2023

Thank you all for participating in FOSS Backstage 2023! We had two amazing days meeting old friends and making new acquaintances, filled with exciting talks and discussions. We also celebrated the fifth anniversary of FOSS Backstage this year: The conference has come a long way since the first edition in 2017, and we wouldn’t be where we are today without the amazing support from all of you during the last years!

This year’s edition of FOSS Backstage was also the largest to date: We had two stages running in parallel together with a dedicated Online Stage, and a Podcast Stream — which means that you might have missed some of the talks. But not to worry: We have already uploaded the first sessions to our YouTube Channel, and will be adding more in the next couple of weeks. You can also take a look at the pictures of the event on flickr, courtesy of our amazing photographer Jan Michalko! The Podcast episodes will be published in the coming weeks on the homepage of the Sustain Podcast.

Of course, FOSS Backstage wouldn’t have been possible without the amazing support of our partners: First and foremost, we have to thank our Premium Partner Mercedes-Benz! Next, a huge shout out to our recording Partner, Open Source Collective! We are also immensely grateful for our Gold Partners, Google, The Linux Foundation and Red Hat, as well as for our Drinks Partner Bitergia and Grafana Labs, who sponsored our Get-Together. You can find all our partners and learn more about them on our partner page.

FOSS Backstage was also made possible with the help of a few incredible people: We want to give a big shout out to our volunteers, who helped out during the event! We had Haralampos Gavriilidis, Surya Santhi, Sandro Grundmann and Ben van’t Ende moderating our stages onsite, Guilherme Dellagustin moderating our Online Stage, with Flavia Tienes as Online Producer, and Tejas Shah and Redeem Grimm moderating the chat. Also a big thank you to Richard Littauer for hosting the podcast, and to Max Baraitser-Smith for helping produce the podcast.

We hope to see you all again next year in Berlin or Online. FOSS Backstage will be back in autumn with preparations for the next edition! If you don’t want to miss any updates, make sure to follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn or Mastodon and subscribe to our newsletter!

All the best,

Alex, Paul, and Sven

PS: We are always looking to improve FOSS Backstage: If you haven’t already, please participate in our feedback survey. You can also reach out to us directly with any feedback about the conference, or ideas for improvement, at